Berries andPie

baking, cooking, recipes, eating, and obsessing over food

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So... We Need to Talk.

Balsamic Roasted Beetroot, Spanish Onion, Basil & Linguine

Hiya Blog, and blogadiers. It's been a while, and I've, well... I've been seeing other people.

It's not you--really it's not. It's me.

That spark and passion that makes me want to post here; to cook, and photograph it; to seek out new life and new... Wait, no, that's Star Trek.

Basically, the passion's been gone for awhile. I rediscovered my love of reading recently, and in-between 20+ novels in 2 and a half months, NaNoWriMo, work, and life, I’ve been neglecting you.

I'm sorry. You deserve better.

BUT, I decided this: I still love you. Really I do. But I don't want to post here for the sake of posting. When I do, I post half-bottomedly, and you deserve better than that. So I'm going to post because I have something to say. Not because I feel obliged.

So here I am. With Christmas practically upon us I'm gearing up for cookies and puddings, and family, and fruit mince pies. I'll be seeing you around soon!

And Merry Impending Christmas!

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